Roger Kite MBE has handed over control of the Rivelin Valley Conservation Group after almost 20 years at the helm.
When the group was formed in 1991 by local residents concerned about the decline of the valley, Roger agreed to chair this concerned group. From this seed of an idea grew RVCG, which by now must be one of the largest organisations of its kind in the city (with over 500 members).
Roger has overseen many improvements in the valley, being a keenly active member of the RVCG Task Team. He has represented the Group and its members at Public meetings and Forums for the majority of these 20 years. His wide range of contacts in the Council (both Councillors and officers) together with his close links with the many environment organisations and other bodies such as Yorkshire Water, Sheffield Wildlife Trust, Ponds Conservation Trust
and the Bridleways Forum have been invaluable.
Roger‘s role as Chairman of RVCG has been to lead and coordinate the Dedicated Committee who are responsible for different aspects of the group’s work such as the Task Day’s when work to improve the Nature Trail, Woodlands and Pond area’s is carried out. Liaising with the Council on all the relevant aspects of the Council’s responsibilities within the valley particularly town and country planning; Environment conservation and improvement of the valley’s recreational facilities; including the public rights of way within the valley; representing RVCG at shows and other events; coordinating the group’s newsletter; organising visits; preparing applications to the Council and other bodies for grants: liaison with other conservation and environment groups within the city; and managing the large membership base; as well as having a dedicated recorder to liaise with for the many requests we receive for study’s done within the valley.
Roger will remain on the RVCG Committee and has agreed to be made the Honorary President and Conservation Adviser as he has such a vast knowledge of the Rivelin and its surrounding areas. He may not be attending as many meetings as in the past but will always be available to the new Chair.
We thank Roger for all he has done for the group and we hope he will continue to give his guidance and experience to the head of the new committee.